Help the open-air museum by making a donation. The funds that you provide will be allocated to the implementation of the statutory goals of the Foundation. Every 1 zloty counts! The funds that you provide will be allocated to the implementation of the statutory goals of the Foundation.
Establishing the Foundation was necessary to be able to apply for funds for conservation works in the open-air museum.
The given example amounts are intended to illustrate the process of conservation of sculptures.
A symbolic amount for which we can buy small but necessary tools for work, e.g. a scalpel for cleaning dirt or a brush for applying preparations to exhibits.
This is the approximate cost of a roll of stretch foil, in which a sculpture should be wrapped for
two weeks in order for the insecticide to work.
This is the amount for which we can buy parts of protective clothing, such as absorbers for a mask protecting the respiratory tract and gloves for working with chemicals.
This is the price for a kilogram of a special resin for hardening wood. The larger the sculpture, the more resin is needed.
This is how much a bucket of disinfectant costs. 3-4 buckets should be used for the largest hives.
This is the estimated cost of the material needed to secure a one-meter-high work.
A thousand zlotys will allow us to buy materials that can be used to preserve a 2-meter garden sculpture.
This amount will allow the purchase of materials for the maintenance of the largest figural hives in the orchard.
Bank transfer details
Name: Fundacja im. Józef and Jadwiga Chełmowskich
Address: Brusy-Jaglie 17, 89-632 Brusy
Account number: PKO Bank Polski PL30 1020 1491 0000 4102 0124 1033
Title: donation
Note: When making a traditional transfer, please make sure that, in accordance with the requirements of tax offices, the word “donation” is included in the title of the transfer.